Saturday, September 12, 2009

Enormous waste, unconscionable greed in health care

A human profile and an important perspective on the ongoing debate over health care reform. Dr. Steffi Woolhandler and Dr. David Himmelstein lead a campaign by doctors to reform health care which they see as needlessly expensive and corrupt. Together they founded Physicians for a National Health Program in 1987 which aims for a system where everyone is covered. They decry the soaring costs of health care – and how that hurts poor people who are uninsured -- and many in the middle class who are under-insured. The doctors pull no punches in describing what they see as enormous waste and unconscionable greed in health care expenditures. The second segment features American doctors who have visited other nations to learn of workable alternative systems.

Listen to the program online: HUMANKIND: Universal Health Care

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