Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Good Life. Good Death. Your Choice."

Assisted suicide group Final Exit Network plans billboards for N.J. and California

By The Associated Press

March 10, 2010, 1:47PM


Jerry Dincin is the new president of the Final Exit Network which offers counseling and assistance to people with medical conditions who want to end their life. He faces trial on a charge of helping a cancer patient kill himself.The leader of assisted suicide group Final Exit Network plans to put up billboards in New Jersey and California, as means of validating the group's work.

Jerry Dincin discussed the planned billboards as his group, Final Exit Network, prepares for a trial in Georgia after helping a 58-year-old man with cancer kill himself.

Dincin said Tuesday they have been preparing for the trial for more than a year, and is "glad it's moving along."

He became the group's leader after then-president Ted Goodwin and three other members were arrested in February 2009. The four members and the group itself were indicted Tuesday by a Forsyth County grand jury.

Dincin said the billboards planned for New Jersey and California will read:

"Good Life. Good Death. Your Choice."

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