Thursday, July 24, 2008

Medical Treatment in India

I love listening to radio documentaries while at the computer and often search for stories about India.� Recently I happened upon this very interesting program about people traveling to India for medical treatment.

The treatment I have received for several years in the USA has been a travesty, at least in relation to the injury caused by my cosmetic surgery, which encompass all of my medical conditions. I have been meet with denial and deceit at every turn by some of the "best surgeons" in this country.

The more I searched the Internet for information about patients having surgery in India, the more my hope is rekindled in thinking that this may be the only way my case will be reviewed in an unbiased manner.
I did not realize until hearing this radio documentary and following this Internet path that people from all over the world travel to India for medical treatment and all the information I found to date is overwhelmingly positive. Every patient testimony I read expresses a tremendous difference in the way they were treated by medical professionals in India compared to the US. They all said Indian doctors and nurses were far more dedicated and truly interested in the well being of the patient. I my Internet research, I have not found a single patient reporting a negative experience.

This makes me feel hopeful regarding a possibility that my own health might be restored to some degree in seeking treatment in India.

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