Sunday, July 27, 2008

Patient sues plastic surgeon and Massachusetts hospital

Patient sues plastic surgeon and Mass. hospital

By Liz Kowalczyk
July 26, 2008

A Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center patient yesterday sued Dr. Loren J. Borud, a plastic surgeon with a history of alcohol and drug abuse, for allegedly performing his operation while impaired.

The patient, Michael K. Hicks of Quincy, said he suffered complications after liposuction surgery and repair of a scar on his chest. Hicks also named five other doctors, two nurses, and the hospital in the lawsuit, saying they realized that Borud was impaired during an earlier surgery that day and should have stopped him from operating again.

The state temporarily suspended Borud's medical license Wednesday for allegedly performing two operations at Beth Israel Deaconess June 27 while impaired, including Hicks's surgery, and appearing to fall asleep during the liposuction. During his first surgery that day, Borud accidentally cut a stitch while closing the patient's incision, and made no attempt to repair the mistake, the board alleged.

The hospital fired Borud earlier this month; he had been practicing for at least six years while struggling with substance abuse problems, the hospital's board said.
In his lawsuit, Hicks said that he agreed to pay $2,570 for the elective surgery. According to the complaint filed in Suffolk Superior Court, Borud told Hicks his surgery would last 60 to 90 minutes, but in the end it turned into an "6 hour and 44 minute odyssey," completed by medical personnel who were not adequately trained, skilled, or experienced.

Borud left the operating room in the middle of the surgery, after closing his eyes twice; a surgical fellow completed the operation, according to the board.
Hicks said he suffered substantial pain as a result of the surgery, and had internal bleeding.
Hospital spokeswoman Judy Glasser said she could not comment on pending litigation.


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